Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Save Your Marriage And Avoid Divorce - Tips to Save a Marriage | Tips to Save a Marriage

Today, many marriages are found to be ending in divorce. Marriage is a start of relation, while divorce is an end. After passing of few days or months of married, life, some conflicts and bitterness may get started. Sometimes, the couple began to think about the divorce.

However, divorce changes social trends and causes adverse effects for the both the partners. Hence, it is always recommended to save marriage stop divorce.

Marriage has a great importance in the life of every human being as it gives personal and social stability and it is also necessary to satisfy your emotional and physical needs. It may be essential to get the prestigious social status as living a single or getting separated is not accepted by the society in some countries.

It is not easy for a man or a woman to live alone whole life. After divorce, the individual may have to face physical, psychological and economical problems. The family life of the person is totally collapsed. Divorce also can cause sexual deprivation.

Separation or divorce of the parents affects a lot to the children. It may give rise to psychological problems which can affect the tender minds of children as they need both the parents equally. The children may get mentally and physically disturbed and feel insecure due to which their future may get spoiled. Looking towards these effects, you should strive to save marriage stop divorce.

It is not easy to keep the relationships alive, for that, you have to take some efforts. If you strongly wish to save marriage stop divorce, you should try to improve yourself. Some possible factors that can affect your relationships are the broken trust, boredom, infidelity, poor communication, addictive behavior, emotional abuse, absence of sex and affection and lack of appreciation.

Once you know about the reasons, you should try to find out the options to solve them. The main reason for the divorce is a lack of understanding and compromises. Hence, you should give away your ego to maintain the healthy relationships and should take an initiative to resolve the problems in your married life.

Self-assessment is a very important step to save marriage stop divorce which includes thinking about your mistakes. If you want to be a good partner, you should have a capacity to listen to your partner and understand him/her for which you need a good communication skill. You should be able to keep calm and talk through the problem. When your partner is talking with you, you should ask the related questions and clarify the queries.

If you both are not able to solve problems in your married life, you can consult your family or friends and seek an advice from them. You may realize your mistakes after talking with them and can try to correct them. If you don’t feel it satisfactory, you can try for marriage counseling. You may go to counselor’s office and find the solutions to save marriage, stop divorce.

Counseling can help the couples to improve their communication skills, to uncover some other problems or issues, find out the differences and understand the troubles. You can also go for a trial separation which gives the couple enough time for to think about their differences, their mistakes, problems in their married life and ways to resolve them.

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Ways to Save The Marriage - Tips to Save a Marriage | Tips to Save a Marriage

To maintain a healthy relationship is very important for every individual as it directly affects on your personal life. The main purpose of marriage is to help and support each other through sadness and happiness. After few years of marriage, there might be some misunderstandings and bitterness among the couples which may give rise to conflicts and your married life may become stressful.

It becomes impossible for a couple to live with each other and they start thinking to get separated. However, before taking a final decision, the couple should try to save their relationships as it is quite difficult and boring to live alone. There are several ways to save marriage that may work.

When you realize that your married life is in danger, you start looking for the options to save your marriage. First of all, many couples talk with each other and try to understand the problem. It is the best option to look for the solutions by mutual understanding. The couple should express an intense passion for each other because if you are successful in developing love for each other, then other problems can be immediately solved.

If it doesn’t work and the conflicts continue, then they try some other options. Some couples seek out an advice from the friends, family or religious leaders. But the couple should think over this advice whether it is appropriate or not as wrong advice can destroy the relationships.

Many couples prefer to participate in the marital counseling which may be one of the effective ways to save marriage. Both the partners should attend the counseling which can be an effective tool to improve their relationships. The couples should openly discuss about their marriage problems to get an appropriate solution. marriage counseling can help the couples to improve their communication skills.

It may also help to uncover some other problems or issues, find out the differences and understand the troubles of couple. It offers a good opportunity to the couples to share their feelings and helps to clear the misunderstanding. Many people are successful in resolving their marriage problems after participating in couple retreats or marriage seminars.

Along with these options, some couples choose a trial marriage separation. It may be among the helpful ways to save marriage to solve the problems as it gives an opportunity to both the partners to experience the feelings of being separated before taking any final decision. The major advantage of trial separation is that it is reversible.

The main purpose of trial separation is to develop the skills of resolving problems before moving back together and working on improving the relationship.

You may adopt one of these ways to save marriage and make your life paradise with your loving partner again.


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Sunday, November 27, 2011

How to Save A Marriage - Tips to Save a Marriage | Tips to Save a Marriage

After few years of marriage some conflicts between the couples may arise and married life may become stressful. How will you come to know that your marriage is in crisis? There are some reasons responsible for disturbed married life such as alcohol abuse, difficulty with children, financial problems, a situation when both the partners are unfaithful, major life changes and problems with fertility.

The marital relationships may be affected by the broken trust, boredom, infidelity, poor communication, lack of appreciation, addictive behavior, emotional abuse, absence of sex and no affection. When the marriage is in trouble, you should try to find out the solutions of how to save a marriage.

When you realize that something is wrong with your married life, don’t just think how to save a marriage, but immediately look for the solution. You try to find out the problems and adopt some qualities to save your marriage and to stop the divorce. There are always some hopes and ways to resolve the problems your marriage. The conflicts in married life may be due to ego or some misunderstandings.

Hence, to maintain healthy relationships, you should give up ego and should take an initiative to resolve the problems in your married life. Self-assessment is a very important step to save your marriage. You should be able to think about your mistakes and develop an improvement in your behavior. Avoid doing those things that can hurt your partner.

There are some beneficial options for the problem of how to save a marriage. If you want to be a good partner, you should have a capacity to listen to your partner and understand him/her. You should be able to keep calm and talk through the problem. When your partner is talking with you, you should ask the related questions and clarify all doubts.

Good communication is a very important factor for developing the healthy relationships. You should share all problems and feelings with your partner. The most important thing is that you should fully trust your partner and never be jealous about his/her personal and professional progress.

Your approach towards your relationships and married life should be positive. Whenever there are some problems or bitterness, remember the happy moments that you had spent together and try to reignite these moments. When there are some problems, don’t get disturbed or panic, just stay calm. Whenever you lose your temper during the arguments, you generally tend to say and do the things that you actually didn’t mean.

One of the best ways to save a marriage is to create long-term plans with your partner. Make some plans to spend the vacations at good picnic spot. Some future plans that are made together may help to increase the intimacy. It will assure that your partner is always there for you.

Your overall personality and hygiene also have great impact on your married life. Hence, try to be always presentable that your partner likes and adopt hygienic habits. How to save a Marriage should not be a problematic issue at all.

Try some of above solutions and make your married life hassle-free and pleasant one.


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Thursday, November 24, 2011

4 Steps To Save Your Marriage and Stop Your Divorce | Tips to Save a Marriage

to save your marriage

The thing you need to know is that it is not too late to save your marriage and stop your divorce. The break up of marriage is one of the worst things that can happen to a person, and it is all too common. More than half of all marriages today will end in divorce. When you consider that divorce is commonly regarded as one of the most stressful events that can happen in a person’s life, even beyond the death of a dead one, this is a lot of heartache out there in the world.

The tragedy is that most of these breakups could have been prevented. You do not have to be a statistic. You can do something about it to save your marriage and stop your divorce. I won’t say that it is going to be easy, but it is possible. You just have to follow the steps to rebuild what has been broken.

You can’t expect to save your marriage without a plan anymore than you can expect to build a house without blueprints. Fortunately, the help is available and it behooves you to take advantage of it. Your marriage does not have to fail.

To Save Your Marriage Step One: Find the Problem

You can’t stop your divorce if you don’t know why your marriage is falling apart. You need to work with your spouse to diagnose what is wrong with the marriage. This is a little harder than it sounds, because what you think might be the reason for the divorce is just a symptom.

To Save Your Marriage Step Two: Fix the Problem

In many ways, this is the most important step. If you can’t fix the problem, then you can’t stop your divorce. Some problems can’t be fixed, but most can. The reason most marriage ending problems don’t get solved is that they are never identified. But you’ve already done that in step one. What you need to do know is work with your spouse to make the compromises that will save your marriage.

To Save Your Marriage Step Three: Remember the Good Times

You’re going to need to remind both your spouse and yourself why you were together to begin with. No matter how bad your marriage has gotten, there was a point when things were good. You should try to get back to that place, but you should always keep in mind that it existed.

To Save Your Marriage Step Four: Start Over

The last step in your quest to save your marriage and stop your divorce is to begin again. You need to look at your marriage as a brand new marriage. While you should keep in mind the good times, you need to forget the bad times and learn about your spouse all over again. Things have changed, and you need to make your marriage work with the person you are married to, not the person you used to be married to or the person you wish they were. Accept them as they are, and work together to build a better, stronger marriage.

If you follow these four steps, you will be able to stop your divorce. If you need more help, then don’t be afraid to look for it. There are systems out there to help fix what is broken in your relationship, and you need to be willing to use them.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Relationship Problem Advice | Save Marriage

Dear Friend,

Welcome to Relationshipsolver

We have been helping people solve relationship problems for over 30 years.  Relationships are hard work and it takes a two people working together to make a relationship last. In any relationship there will be ups and downs, but the true strength of a relationship is how you handle those ups and downs.

You came to this site looking for ways to solve your relationship problems and I want to help you do just that.

“Do you feel like you are left with two choices…one being finds ways to make your relationship work or the last choice is to end your relationship?
If you want to keep your relationship, then you have come to the right place.

I created Relationship Solver for people just like you. I want to help you find ways to make your relationship work no matter how bad things seem to be today.

A relationship is hard work and it takes time and patients to make it work effectively. All relationships have problems and the key to solve those problems can be found on the pages of this site. I want to see you succeed in your relationship and I will do my best to help you succeed.

You came to this site because you want to save your relationship.

But you are not sure how to go about doing it.  You have tried everything, but nothing seems to work. You don’t want your relationship to end and you need to find a way to make it work and last.

Well, I am here to help you with proven ways to get your relationship back on track. I spent 30 years in the military helping soldiers, airmen, sailors, and marines with their relationship and marriage issues.

During that time, I have learned a few things about what works and what don’t work when it comes to solving relationship problems.

Keep reading, and I’ll show you a program that will help you with any and all relationship issues.

The first thing we need to do is get you to understand what you’re up against. The competition you’re facing as you do everything you can to stop your divorce or separation within your relationship as quickly as possible.

One of the first things you need to do is stop using methods that only make the situation worse.

This is what most people do when they are trying to save their marriage or relationship:

Plea. This is the person that always says “I’ve changed. I won’t try to control you anymore. I know I have lied in the past, but I won’t lie to you again. That person didn’t mean anything to me, I love you and I just had a moment of weakness and that’s why I fooled around. They try their best to reassure you, but it never works.Scratch Record. “Honey I Love You” You get to the point that those words seem meaningless.The Debater.  This is the person that will argue their point until the cows come home. They will debate you on every issue and it doesn’t matter if they know they are wrong.

You don’t have to go through all of this to save your marriage or relationship. We have compiled the top-ranking relationship and marriage advice programs and resources online.

The best thing about buying any of these online programs is that you have a full money-back guarantee that if in any case you find any program to be mediocre or not meeting your expectations, you can always return it and get a full refund with no questions asked. This is especially true if the program is sold in a reputable online marketplace like Clickbank.

However, there’s a downside to it; anyone can just claim as an expert on any field and sell his online product in Clickbank. The best remedy to avoid buying a substandard program from a con expert is to make sure that you get one from a person of authority in the said field. That is why it helps to learn and read more reviews on the products available and weigh things before you decide to dish out your money.

These are the reasons why we decided to have our top recommendation. Our best recommendation for a complete relationship support and advice program is The Magic of Making Up. We highly recommend the program because of the valuable tips hailed from the author’s personal experiences and simplistic approach to it.

Relationshipsolver aims to provide you with a complete list of resources and programs that can help you in all the various forms of relationship and marriage concerns, be it communicative or emotional in nature.

You will find numerous tips and advice on the reasons why break ups occur, how to catch a cheating spouse, catch a cheating girlfriend/boyfriend, how and why people get back together again and if the relationship is in a mess, guides on how to stop a breakup up. So if you want to start to learn the best ways of dealing with a relationships, the break ups, the getting back together and your future NOW:


I hope that you can find what you need to either get your relationship back on track or find ways to move on and live a better and happier life.

We wish you all the very best.

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Monday, November 21, 2011

How to Save An Abusive Marriage | Tips to Save a Marriage

an abusive marriage

Are you in an abusive marriage? Is your spouse abusing you  emotionally or physically?  It may be stressful for you to deal with such problem. Your marital relations are affected a lot due to the physical, emotional or sexual abuse by your partner. You may be troubled by such abuse as it can leave a high impact on your physical and psychological conditions. But, before you take any harsh decision like having a divorce, try to find out the solutions and think about how to save an abusive marriage.

The abuse in marriage may be emotional, physical, economical or sexual. The emotional and verbal abuse may be using insulting words, rejection, ignorance, terrorizing, isolation and corruption which may lead to inferiority complex within you.

There may be the economical abuses such as refusing to buy necessities, controlling all bank accounts, stealing money from your account, refusing an access to credit cards or confiscates monetary gifts. The physical abuse includes battering, biting, injuring and causing burn injuries.

How will you come to know that your partner is abusive? Some of the warning signs of abusive partner are as follows- he may push the relationship too fast, he demands your attention at all times, he may be very competitive, he feels jealousy about your family members and friends and he is with extreme lows and highs.

Abuse can cause a very harmful condition which may badly affects the physical and psychological status of a person. The victim may get extremely terrified and disturbed and may lose psychological balance. The effects of abuse may be depressing and longer-lasting. Hence, it is not easy to deal with abusing partner.

Spouses in an abusive marriage have varying reasons for remaining in them. I understand why some spouses stay in an abusive marriage for practical reasons. Some abused spouses feel they cannot leave their marriage because they are economically dependent on them. For instance, if you are a  stay-at-home mother you may feel that you cannot leave your abusive husband because if you did, you would have no way of providing for your children.

Some of you reading this article might be staying in an abusive marriage because you believe that is the proper thing to do, given your religious or cultural background. I know that some Catholic people, believe that divorce is a bad thing to be avoided at most all costs. You may be motivated to put up with a lot of spousal abuse because the alternative is to go against the teachings of your church. Or you may rationalize staying in an abusive marriage because you think it is the right thing to do for the children. You might be saying to yourselves, “If it was just me, I’d leave this marriage, but my children will be better off coming from an intact home than from a divorced one”. This may not be a rational position to take in all cases; the children may be in fact far more damaged by staying in proximity to an abusive father than they would be by being raised by a single mother. However, regardless of the truth of any of these rationalizations, if you believe that this is true that feeling is what is keeping you in an abusive marriage.

Another reasons for why you may be staying in an abusive marriage is the so-called “cycle of abuse.” In a typical instance of domestic abuse (where one partner is abusive towards the other), abuse tends to occur periodically (cyclically), rather than constantly (all the time). There is no clear beginning to the cycle of abuse, but for purposes of describing it, we can start at an arbitrary stage along its progression. Something event occurs, whether real or only imagined by the abuser, that generates feelings of anger or even rage.

These feelings then lead to the second stage of the cycle, which is where the actual abusive behavior occurs. Such behavior may be verbal, physical, emotional/mental, or sexual in nature. If the cycle stopped here and stayed constant, most victims would find it very easy to leave and not endure abuse for long periods of time.

However, shortly after the abusive event occurs, the abuser frequently expresses remorse or guilt and wants to apologize. The abuser will swear, “It will never happen again” and may shower the victim with gifts and demands that the victim forgive him or her. There may be so-called “makeup sex” which can be quite pleasurable and provide the victim with a sense that he or she is valued, and really loved. In a parent/child abusive relationship, guilt over abuse may be expressed as special privileges or gifts for the child victim. Following the guilt and making up stage comes a “honeymoon” or latency period during which things are good for a while between the partners. Inevitably, in an abusive marriage, the latency period ends with the beginning of another abuse episode; the abuser again feels angry, disrespected or treated poorly in some way and the cycle starts all over again.

If you want to stop the cycle of abuse, you need to seek out help for you and your spouse. Nobody should be abused. It is time to put an end to the abuse and either get your marriage back on track or end it.

If you do not want to break marital relations, then you start to work on how to save an abuse marriage. It is not easy one; you need a lot of patience and tolerance for that.

When you facing the tough decision as of how to save an abusive marriage, the first step you should take is to find out the reasons of abuse. You may consult with a psychiatric who can help you to understand the causes of misbehavior of your partner. If necessary, you can take your partner to the psychiatric to seek the treatment.

Self-assessment is one of the important solutions to the question how to save an abusive marriage. Try to find out your drawbacks and mistakes and try to overcome them. Know about the things that your partner does not like and avoid to do them. Go for outing with your partner to change his/her mood. Communication with your partner is an important factor to solve this problem. You should keep taking to your partner about his/her behavior and affectionately convince him/her to avoid it.

Make your partner to realize that you still love and need him/her. Once your partner understands your passion, he/she will try to develop improvements in his/her behavior and think not to hurt you by abusing. Carefully handle the problem regarding how to save an abusive marriage and bring your married life back to its comfortable state.

How to Save An Abusive Marriage

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