Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Not Sure Where Your Relationship is Going?

Are you not sure where your relationship is going?  Most people during the holidays unfortunately feel this way because of all the built up emotions that occured through out the year.  You may ask yourslef if it is worth even holding on to it or just simply letting it go. 

Ask yourself how you feel towards these ambitions? Do you see yourself with this person forever or do you feel that you will be questioning this for the rest of your lives together?

Either way, you need to follow your heart.  If you are always questioning your relationship, I can assure you now that it may not be the right one for you.  You will know this when the right person comes your way. 

Although, there are ways in adapting and fixing your relationship if that is your will to do so.  Start by what makes you happy most of all before anything else.

View the original article here

Monday, May 30, 2011

marriage infidelity recovery

Really you should know by now that not marriages can be saved from divorce or break up.It is obvioce that not all two people are compatible.sometimes two partners can not make trhiks work.However there are also the infidelity problem which the other patner can not just move past it.

If you or your spouse has been unfaithful but you both feel that there is still something in the relationship worth saving, it's time for a gut check. Don't think that the road to save your marriage will be smooth or short. You had better prepare for a rough ride, and it's going to have a much better chance of working if you enlist the help of a professional counselor to help clear the path, as much as possible.

Here's a few things to keep in mind:

1. If the person who committed the adultery is a serial cheater, why stay at all? Come on,who are you kidding? No matter how much you may love them, they are flawed. They aren't ever going to change they are just going to make your life miserable at best, and at worst they'll bring some nasty disease home and clear out your bank account. Leave.

If this was a one time lapse in judgment, and let's be honest, in the right circumstances any of us could have one, than you might have a chance but only if the offending party is truly sorry and will, or already has, stopped seeing the other person. If they won't commit 100% to making things work, it won't work. Again, it's best to leave.

2. As hard as it may be to face, it might help if the two of you could talk openly about what they found so irresistible in the other person. It's going to hurt, but the reality is that people don't cheat for sex, though that is part of it, they cheat because they get something from the other person that they don't get from their spouse.

Sometimes it can be something 'real' like feeling needed or loved. Other times it's not 'real' it's childish, like feeling like they are the only one that matters in the relationship. Finding out what the attraction was might help the two of you recapture something that has been lost in your relationship, something that you may not even have realized was gone.

3. It's very important to the long term health of your relationship that the person who was cheated on can find a way to not throw it up in their partner's face every time there is a fight. And that will be hard. But unless you can truly forgive and forget, it won't work out.

On the other side of the coin, the person who strayed must understand that it can take a lifetime for their partner to really ever trust them again. Sorry, that's just the way it is.

However as a matter fact the person who went astray most own up to it,period.You know using the classic line that most people use for example "my wife/husband just doesn't understand me" will not help here.Why? Because you are asguilty as,may be more guilty in the failing of your marriage as your spouse.Do not kill your self because you did it,No..No.. instead admite what you did period and you will become a better person for it

If the two of you try hard enough you will easily get over it in no time.Think about these questions and they might help you to work on you marriage before you break up.
What are the reasons you might want to stay together:

* For the kids?

* It would be too expensive?

* You're afraid to be alone?

* For the security?

* It's against your religion?

* You're concerned about what everyone might think?

What if I told you it doesn't matter why you want to stay together, it only matters that you do.

That's all it takes to make the program Affair Repair work for you, that is not only to save your marriage, but actually make it better than it was before.

View the original article here

Friday, May 27, 2011

4 powerful Tips to help you Win Over The Man You Love Dating

Tired of dating? Want to move your relationship to the next level? Want to win over man you love dating? Well, if you go about it in the right way, you'll greatly increase the chances of making it work out just the way you hoped it would. Of course, your idea of what exactly the 'next level' is and his may be two different things. Your idea of the next level may be marriage, to him it may just mean living together, or vice a versa. Make sure that when you talk about the next level that you clearly define what exactly that means to you.

Here are some easy steps you can follow that may help 'push' things along:

1. Talk to him. Tell him what you want. Be careful how you approach this because you don't want to sound whiny or needy (if this is something you really want and you really feel strongly about it's easy to sound a little desperate if you're not careful). Again, don't just tell him you want to take things to the next level, be clear on what that means to you.

2. It's important that you don't push the issue. It's great to bring it up after all, you can't expect him to read your mind can you? You just have to make sure that you're going to be able to accept whatever he wants without getting upset. If the two of you have been together for a while and this topic has never come up it's almost a sure bet that he isn't interested in taking things to the next level, if he were he would have already brought it up (of course, it's possible that he's just shy or afraid to bring it up because he didn't know what you'd say and he got scared).

3. If he isn't interested in making any changes then have a mature, calm, conversation with him and ask him to explain what he means. Does he mean that he can see the two of you moving forward some time in the future, but he's just not ready right now? Or does he mean he doesn't see your relationship going much further than it is right now? These may be tough questions to ask, and tough answers to hear, but it's important that you find out where he's at when it comes to your relationship.

4. If the two of you have the same basic idea of where the relationship will go, you're just not on the same page when it comes to a time line, then that's actually Ok. At least you both see the relationship heading in the same direction. If your guy doesn't see any future in the relationship you're going to have to face a really tough decision: stay or go. Many women will stay and think that they can change his mind, and maybe you can, but you shouldn't. Even if you can talk him (or threaten him) into moving the relationship along, is that really the best foundation for a future? You had to force someone to be with you? No so much, it'll be hard but you are better off just moving on.

Many people find themselves in a great relationship and they want to take things to the next level, whatever that may mean to them. If you want to stop dating and move up to the next level you can follow this advice to win over man you love dating and move things along a bit faster.

View the original article here

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Are You Loving Someone Who Doesn't Love You Back?

Relationship Bridge Building: Are You Loving Someone Who Doesn't Love You Back?Relationship Bridge BuildingThe Relationship Bridge blog is written to provide inspiration, insight and sage advice to individuals who want to improve their relationships with the important people in their lives, including themselves. Come read and talk about relationships with significant others, children, parents, in-laws, co-workers, bosses. The idea is to stop frustrating ourselves by unsuccessfully attempting to change other people. Learn to value your loved ones for who they are and to honor their life choices, even when you wish they would choose differently. Come by and check us out. You won’t be sorry.« Free Things to do on an Autumn Date Night |Main| Alone for the Holidays »

November 08, 2009Are You Loving Someone Who Doesn't Love You Back?Have you ever loved someone who didn’t love you back? I'mnot talking about being involved with someone who hurts or abuses you.

I’m, also, not talking about loving from a distance, wishing and hoping theobject of your affection would notice you. What I am talking about is beinginvolved with someone who doesn’t have the same depth of feelings for you asyou do for him or her. The person likes you all right and is willing to spendtime with you but he or she just doesn’t love you the same as you love him orher.

How does that feel? Does it feel painful, as if you were losing out onsomething? I’m suggesting here that that kind of experience doesn’t have to bepainful. If you are a person who loves deeply and intensely, you may notencounter someone to return the same depth of feeling that you have but thatdoesn’t mean the person you are with doesn’t give you all he or she has.

When you find someone to love that way and it feels so intense you think youmight explode with excitement and happiness sometimes, that is a privilege---nomatter what the other person returns to you. The simple act of loving anotheris truly a gift. How many people do you think go through life without everloving that way? Too many!

When you have been given the honor and privilege of finding someone to love sointensely, enjoy the opportunity to share your feelings with the other person.Please don’t ruin that experience by deciding that if the other person doesn’tlove you the same way or as strongly as you, then somehow that diminishes thelove you feel for him or her.

Love is a gift. Give yours freely with no strings attached and you will beamazed at the satisfaction and unadulterated joy you can feel. It’s truly anamazing experience. Do you have one to share?

Posted at 06:06 PM in Relationships | Permalink


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Comments lisa

very cool post...I like it very much...
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Posted by:lisa |November 18, 2009 at 11:20 AM


yes, this is totally me.... its amazing the content you find on online dating sites…

Posted by:kyla |November 17, 2010 at 08:18 AM

The Relationship Company

My pleasure to come across your blog and read it, keep posting.

Posted by:The Relationship Company |December 23, 2010 at 10:43 PM

Air Jordan

Happiness is so hard to define and foolish to define. Am I acting? That's the worst thing you can ask yourself. You can be happy suddenly. It can spring on you, not when you reach a plateau. You can be happy going backward or going down. You can be happy at the loss of something. Do you agree?

Posted by:Air Jordan |March 16, 2011 at 01:24 AM

UK Dating Sites

According to me there is no condition when you love some one that in return you get the same affection and love.. It happens that you care more then anybody, you want to see the other person happy without getting back the same.. This is what we called a true love..

Posted by:UK Dating Sites |April 10, 2011 at 09:36 PM

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Reverse Phone Detective | Reverse Phone People Search

“Who Else Wants to Find Out Who Is Calling Your Partner, Lover, Husband, Wife,  or Child?”

Dear Friend,

Do you know you can conduct a reverse phone people search to get information on anyone at any time? Did you know you can find out information about strange calls to either your home phone or cell phone.

Want to know information about the person your husband, wife, girlfriend, or boyfriend is talking too? You can with a reverse phone people search…

Click Here Now To Get Reverse Phone Detective Today!

You might have been curious about if this was definitely a nuisance caller or if it was an individual which meant you problems. If the prank caller threatened you in some manner, you probably certainly considered if the caller meant you harm. It is not necessarily a light scenario if you are concerned for your household or children and your safety.

This goes on to numerous different people which have to cope with this. A reverse phone people search is an painless technique for you to observe down information about the holder of a particular cell phone number.

If you believe your better half is sneaking around behind your back with the caller, if you think your daughter is sneaking around with somebody behind your back, if you’re being pranked or if you just want to know who called you last, a Reverse Phone People Search can be a huge help in finding out what you want to know.

Did you know most cell phone numbers aren’t available in free white page directories or people search websites? If you want to find someones’ cell number or if you need a cell phone lookup numbers, you need a reverse phone lookup

PhoneDetective.com is a caller ID application that covers landline numbers, cell phones, and business lines in the United States. The way it works is simple:

Step 1: Enter a phone number into the search box (you can begin a search here)
Step 2: Preview your results (basic information about the number, such as city/state)
Step 3: Pay to view full results (name and address of owner, if available)

There are many reasons why you might want to conduct a reverse phone people search:

Find a phone number and the source of a harassing “prank” callerPhone search a number that appeared on your phone billFind people an old friend from high school or collegeUse the reverse phone listing to research “missed calls” on your caller ID that you don’t recognizeTelephone number search to verify an addressReverse Phone Lookups helps keep you informed of who is calling your spouse, child, or significant otherAnd more

What information is available in the Phone Search databases?
Full Phone Reports include up-to-date information for (when available):

Phone owner nameCurrent street addressLine type – landline or mobilePhone company / carrierIssuing location with mapPrevious addresses

The PhoneDetective.com members area gives you additional access to millions of public records, including:

Unlimited reverse phone lookups (for landline and listed numbers)Unlimited people search (for addresses, household members, and phone numbers)Discounted criminal record searches and background reportsAnd more

How many searches do you get to conduct?

Membership at PhoneDetective.com includes unlimited basic reverse phone lookups, which covers listed landline numbers. Full Phone Reports are limited to one per customer. Customers can purchase additional premium cell phone owner searches (Tracer Reports™) within the members area.

Do Phone Detective databases cover international phone numbers?
No. Phone Detective product is for U.S. customers and information only.

Do PhoneDetective.com databases cover cell phone numbers?

Yes. Information about a mobile number’s issuing location, carrier, and other details is available for almost all U.S. numbers. The availability of ownership details depends on whether the phone number is available in our data sources.

What are the computer/browser requirements for accessing the members area?

PhoneDetective.com members area is compatible with all major browsers and computer types. An Internet connection is required to conduct searches. Pages load quickly, so even a dial-up (modem) connection is fine. 

Can I access the Phone Detective member’s area from multiple computers?

Yes. You may sign into the Phone Detective members area from any computer with your username and password.

Can I print the search results?

Yes. You may copy, paste, and print the information on your screen. We don’t allow “bots”, scraping, or bulk exports, however. PhoneDetective.com 1-year membership plan makes Phone Detective an affordable and comprehensive solution for your phone search and people finder needs. Click here to join today!

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Reverse Phone Detective | Reverse Phone People Search

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How To Save Your Relationship From Smothering Your Partner

Many times we confuse love with smothering our partner.  Those cute and friendly phone calls that you make to him or her throughout the day, aren’t that great if you are really calling to make sure that your partner is where he or she should be.  If your love is double edged or selfish, then you are probably smothering your partner.  This is a one way street to Splitsville.  Many individuals do not realize that they are actually smothering their partner until they realize the differences between love and smothering.  Take a closer look at your relationship to see if your love is pure or you are smothering.  You may just be able to save your relationship before it is too late.

If at anytime in the back of your mind you are interested more in where and with who your partner is spending time with rather than calling to speak to him or her, then you are smothering.  If you call your partner more than two or three times a day and more on the days that you do not see each other, your partner will feel trapped.  Instead of having time to appreciate you from afar, he or she is running towards the exit.  One way to get over this type of smothering act is to occupy yourself.  If you are busy, then you will not have time to make your frequent calls.

Do you try to spend every waking moment with your partner?  At first it may be a sweet gesture but after a while there must be some sort of separation between the two of you.  If you are forcing your partner to give up seeing his or her friends, just to spend time with you then you are definitely smothering your significant other.  People love to talk about how great their partner is, but how can yours if you do not let him or her out of your site.  Normally, your insecurities in the relationship cause you to try to take control over your partner’s life.  The less time he or she has to their self, the less your partner is going to want to stick around.

Love naturally leaves you.  You think about this person positively and you do not find it necessary to get in contact every time you think about this person.  Give yourself some space to see how much your partner loves you.  See the things that he or she will do for your love.  You will notice that there is a lot less fighting and many more romantic gestures when you allow this space for your relationship and individuality to grow.  It is difficult for many people at first, once they realize that they have been smothering rather than loving.  But recognizing this crucial dating mistake is half the battle.  Now all you have to do is find ways to separate yourself a bit.  You will go from having a rocky relationship to a rock solid one.

To learn more, visit: www.datingwebsites.org

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Monday, May 23, 2011

To Attract Men, Try This...

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Do You Know Why Women Leave Men

In anylong term relationship things pile up. Little frustrations, hurts, insensitive remarks can all add up over a period of time and each little thing is like a brick in a wall. After a while you will have one very big wall. That's the point where one party will throw their hands up and say 'Enough!" and leave. The important thing is to make sure your relationship never gets to that point.

One thing you have to do is un-learn much of what you've been told about women and what they want. If you think women are needy, and high maintenance you need to re-evaluate your thinking (of course some women are that way, but not most of them). While this may sound stupid here is something you should try: stop thinking of your woman as a woman, instead think of her as a person. Treat her the same way you like people to treat you.

One of the biggest mistakes men make is they either treat their woman like a whore, a surrogate mommy, or they go to the complete opposite side of the spectrum and put her on a pedestal where they treat her like she's made of porcelain. The best thing to do is treat her like a human being: a unique individual that has her own mind, needs, and wants. Get to know the real woman, not the person you want her to be, or think she should be.

Don't lump all women together. Don't assume your wife or girlfriend likes a certain thing or should act a certain way just because some other woman (or your mom) does. More than likely you have several male friends. Do you treat each one of them the exact same way, or do you modify your behaviour (slightly) for each unique relationship you have?

Women leave men because they are unsatisfied in one way or another. Each relationship is different but at the end of the day your wife or girlfriend will leave because she is not getting enough of her needs met, it's as simple as that.

Most women want their husband or boyfriend to be a friend and confidant. They want someone who acts like they actually like them. Many men don't act like they even like their women and they certainly don't treat them like a trusted friend.

Women have sexual needs just like men. Our society has done a huge disservice to men and women because it tells men they have this huge sex drive and that it's ok to pick up women whenever they want to and that women have to be 'good girls' who will only have sex with their husband.

The fact of the matter is, that is not true. Women have the same sex drive as men, they are just conditioned to not act on it whenever the whim hits them. What women don't want is to think that their man only wants them for sex. Women will often disconnect from their men physically because even though they like sex they also like non-sexual physical contact and many men think they have to turn every incident of physical contact into a sexual encounter. After a while your woman won't even want you to touch her, and she'll find someone else.

So to avoid having your girlfriend or wife leave you may want to start by answering the question: "why women leave men?" Treating your girlfriend or wife like someone whom you like and love may be by following if not all, some of these simple relationship tips and you will see the difference in your relationship. It will last a life time plus you will be a happy man for ever no matter the crises you all pass through

View the original article here

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fix Dying Relationships - Tried And True Tips

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View the original article here

Friday, May 20, 2011

Nikon nik Color Efex Pro 2.0 Complete Edition Photographic Software

Nikon nik Color Efex Pro 2.0 Complete Edition Photographic Software Please Note All Software cannot be returned or exchanged. nik Color Efex Pro 2.0 photographic filters offer features that enable you to make digital image enhancements that are easier and better. nik Color Efex Pro 2.0 for Nikon provides you with a selection of filters and effects that make enhancing and transforming your images within Nikon Capture (version 4.1 to 4.4.1) and PictureProject (version 1.1 to 1.6.4) better than ever. Included filters: Brilliance/Warmth, Darken/Lighten, Center Bi-Color, Moss Burnt, Sienna, Flux Bi-Color: Violet/Pink, Contrast Only: Graduated Neutral Density, Cross Processing: C41 to E6, Graduated Blue, Graduated: User Defined, Cross Procession: E6 to C41, Graduated Coffee, Infrared: Thermal Camera, Duplex: Color Graduated, Olive Ink, Duplex: Monochrome, Graduated Orange, Midnight Dynamic Skin Softener, Midnight Blue, Midnight Green, Fog, Monday Morning Violet, Midnight Sepia, Foliage Old Photo: Black and White, Midnight Violet, Graduated Fog, Old Photo: Color, Monday Morning, Indian Summer, Pastel, Monday Morning Blue, Infrared: Black and White, Photo Styler: Cool Ice, Monday Morning Green, Infrared: Color, Remove Color Cast, Monday Morning Sepia, Pro Contrast, Skylight Filter, Paper Toner, Photo Styler: Cool Silver, Solarization: Black and White, Polarization, Photo Styler: Copper, Solarization: Color Pop Art, Photo Styler: Russet, Sunshine, Remove Brightness, Photo Styler: Varitone, Weird Lines, Vignette Reflector:


Click here to buy from Amazon

Thursday, May 19, 2011

National Geographic's Last Feast of the Crocodiles [VHS]

National Geographic's Last Feast of the Crocodiles [VHS]Filmed during a brutal drought in central Africa, this brilliantly photographed video from National Geographic follows the punishing predicament of animals living along the dwindling Luvuvhu River. As the water level sinks during the dry season, animals, including baboons and impalas, are forced to seek water in pools filled with hippos and deadly crocodiles. At one point the crocodiles, who are the focus of the filming, are described as "artists of violence," and the term seems entirely apt when they are seen striking out with lightning speed from places of total concealment in the water and mud. As the camera lingers on the watering hole, the behavior of increasingly desperate and thirsty animals is shown in all its brutal detail, and portions of this video will have the squeamish averting their eyes. Even though the violent outbursts are handled as tastefully as possible (it is, after all, a National Geographic production), some scenes, such as a violent confrontation between crocodiles and baboons, are heartrending. And while some of the video is inevitably difficult to watch, the photography is always spectacular; some of the shots, such as scenes of a baby hippo blithely wallowing among the crocodiles under the mother hippo's watchful eye, are astounding. This video is both brutal and beautiful, and puts the viewer as close as possible (and desirable) to some of Africa's most amazing wildlife. --Robert J. McNamara

Price: $9.98

Click here to buy from Amazon

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011


TransatlanticismWith songs equal to those on We Have the Facts and a lush, brilliant production that continues what The Photo Album started, Transatlanticism is easily Death Cab's best record to date. Much attention has duly been focused on doe-eyed singer/lyricist Ben Gibbard, co-star of the Postal Service phenomenon, and Ben's voice is as strange, beautiful, and as strong as ever on these songs, which deal with the difficulties of long-distance relationships. But guitarist/producer Chris Walla once again proves himself to be the band's secret weapon, layering subtle sonic touches throughout Transatlanticism, which is most definitely a "headphone record." This Seattle quartet is one of the only bands to really have picked up the intelligent, emotionally resonant, and guitar-driven indie-pop torch that Built to Spill briefly lit in the mid-1990s (before themselves heading off to the stoner-rock territory). DCFC themselves seem poised to finally break out to a wider audience, and they truly deserve it with this disc. --Mike McGonigal

Price: $14.98

Click here to buy from Amazon

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Ultimate Relationship Program

The Ultimate Relationship ProgramWhat creates extraordinarily passionate and loving relationships? What are the forces that inspire the utmost excitement, joy, love, and passion between two people? Love, passion, romance, and desire are powerful forces that can rip apart our world, leaving us bleeding in pain, or they can lift us to incredible heights, filling our hearts with ecstasy, joy, and delight. Whether you are seeking to spark more passion in your intimate life, to find the partner of your dreams, or to improve any of the relationships in your life, The Ultimate Relationship Program will give you the tools and strategies to create sustainable excitement and lasting fulfillment in your relationships.


Click here to buy from Amazon

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Londons Times Funny Society Cartoons - Toxic Relationships - Coffee Gift Baskets - Coffee Gift Basket

Londons Times Funny Society Cartoons - Toxic Relationships - Coffee Gift Baskets - Coffee Gift BasketToxic Relationships Coffee Gift Basket is measuring 9x9x4. Contains 15oz mug, BONUS free set of 4 coasters, biscotti and 5 blends of gourmet coffee. French Vanilla, Kenya AA, Decaf Colombian Supremo, Chocolate and Italian Roast Espresso elegantly presented in our signature black planet coffee gift box. A very nice and thoughtful gift for any occasion.

Price: $54.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Friday, May 6, 2011

One Size Fits all Cloth Diaper/Nappy pattern with snaps

One Size Fits all Cloth Diaper/Nappy pattern with snaps
One Size Fits All Cloth DiaperSewing Pattern

After hundreds of requests for this diaper pattern, It is now available for home sewing!!!



Easy step by step instructionsFor almost every step there is a diagram on how to do that step!

Unlimited accessPattern is printable from a regular printer using 8.5x11 printer paperYou save it to your own computer!!!You will always have a new crispy pattern readily available/!!Is it bulky?In our opinion this is the least bulky 'one size' diaper on the marketWith our patent pending 'fold in' design, you can easily get a perfect fit on your baby!

Wet SafePuncturing the waterproof layer of fabric makes a diaper leak...most patterns will have you puncture this layer....our pattern will show you how to easily add waterproof fabric and NOT puncture the diaper! This makes our one size diapers the most parent and baby friendly on the market. Trust us, you don't want a leaky diaper!Don't forget about night time! Our diapers will last through the night...even on belly sleeping boys! More folding options of our diapers make it even more convenient and 'wet safe' for night time use.Daddy ApprovedNo more messing with nasty, dirty inserts. Simply take the diaper off of your baby and let the washing machine do the rest! 


Copyright © 2005 Spindle to SashesAll rights reserved

This pattern or the product made from it is not for resale in any wayLiscensing is available for qualified personel only


Price: $14.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Thursday, May 5, 2011

April Morning [VHS]

April Morning [VHS]Filmed during a brutal drought in central Africa, this brilliantly photographed video from National Geographic follows the punishing predicament of animals living along the dwindling Luvuvhu River. As the water level sinks during the dry season, animals, including baboons and impalas, are forced to seek water in pools filled with hippos and deadly crocodiles. At one point the crocodiles, who are the focus of the filming, are described as "artists of violence," and the term seems entirely apt when they are seen striking out with lightning speed from places of total concealment in the water and mud. As the camera lingers on the watering hole, the behavior of increasingly desperate and thirsty animals is shown in all its brutal detail, and portions of this video will have the squeamish averting their eyes. Even though the violent outbursts are handled as tastefully as possible (it is, after all, a National Geographic production), some scenes, such as a violent confrontation between crocodiles and baboons, are heartrending. And while some of the video is inevitably difficult to watch, the photography is always spectacular; some of the shots, such as scenes of a baby hippo blithely wallowing among the crocodiles under the mother hippo's watchful eye, are astounding. This video is both brutal and beautiful, and puts the viewer as close as possible (and desirable) to some of Africa's most amazing wildlife. --Robert J. McNamara

Price: $9.98

Click here to buy from Amazon

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Those Darn Squirrels!

Those Darn Squirrels!Old Man Fookwire has a plan. He'll build some birdfeeders and fill them with yummy seeds and berries. That way, the wild birds he loves so much will stick around for the winter - instead of flying south. But there are other hungry creatures in the forest, and they have plans, too....Those darn squirrels! In this whimsical picture book, a grumpy old man and some mischievous squirrels match wits - with hilarious results. 0.25 inches tall x 10.25 inches long x 10.25 inches wide

Price: $16.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Plustek Opticard 821 USB2.0 600DPI A6/PLASTIC Id Card

Plustek Opticard 821 USB2.0 600DPI A6/PLASTIC Id CardEfficiency & Intelligent Conservation for Business Card/Photo/Check and Plastic Card

Price: $179.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sign O the Times

Sign O the TimesIt begins with the insistent drip-drop of a sequencer and ends with some old school R&B. In between, the artist who was still calling himself Prince unfurls an encyclopedia of moods, genres, and grooves. Widely heralded as a groundbreaker in 1987, when it was released, some of the music in oh-so-'80s synths sounds a bit dated. Yet this two-CD set is clearly the sound of a performer at the height of his power. On songs like the title track, "If I Was Your Girlfriend," and the thunderous "The Cross," Prince proves why the hype was justified. --Amy Linden

Price: $24.98

Click here to buy from Amazon

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Love Bears All Things Vinyl Wall Art Decal

This is easy to install and made from 6-year outdoor 2.5 mil soft pvc film with special release characteristics. Indoor exposure is almost unlimited. Easy to remove. Excellent weeding and release value. Vinyl designs are easily removed, although they can not be repositioned or reused. We always include simple application and removal instructions with each order. You can choose from an array of colors that include black, white, grey, light grey, silver, light pink, hot pink, red, burgundy, brown, light yellow, yellow, beige, orange, burnt orange, baby blue, blue navy, royal blue, lavender, purple, forest green, lime green, turquoise, copper (metallic), and gold (metallic). If you choose to have a color change, please email us within 2 hours of purchase, with your Market Order Number and Color Choice, at designerdecorteam@gmail.com! This artwork is exclusively designed and sold by Designer Decor.

Price: $19.99

Click here to buy from Amazon